On Personal Internet Security…

I have over a hundred accounts on the Internet. I do a lot of online shopping for everything from books to computer hardware to toys for my kids. I also have accounts on various social networking sites like linked-in, facebook, myspace, plaxo, pulse and naymes. I use online authoring sites like wordpress, freesoftwaremagazine, digg, technorati and others. I like to personalize google news and various product support sites to my own tastes. I like it when sites like this allow me to create a profile – essentially a login account.

I also work in the software industry and write a fair amount of open source code, so I have accounts at locations like sourceforge.net, which manages separate authentication materials for mailing list accounts, primary site access, shell access, etc – and often for each project they support. This means literally dozens of passwords for a single site.

These places are all pretty benign as far as security issues are concerned. Frankly, I don’t really care if someone knows my middle name, or my phone number for that matter. But I do most of my banking online , and some web-based store fronts keep track of my credit card information these days. I have the option of not giving it to them, but if I trust them, I like to use this feature, and that presents a real security problem for me. Some of these sites have fairly good identity security–others do not. I don’t know which ones do and which ones don’t.

I used to use the same password everywhere – so I wouldn’t forget it. When I started doing online banking and storing credit card information at various store fronts, I used one password for these places, and another one for everywhere else. But lately the number of security classifications I use has increased significantly, making it difficult to remember all of the passwords I use.

If a hacker can break into one of these weaker sites, and capture account information and passwords, they can then access more sensitive personal information at many other sites where I have accounts. Now, I’m not a conspiracy theorist. I don’t believe there are groups of people out to get me personally. But I do believe in bad guys. And I know for a fact that there are bad guys out there “phishing” for random authentication materials. If they find a way to access one (like mine) and if they then find that I use the same password at my bank, I really do believe they’ll go after my cash. After all, they don’t really care whose money they take.


Recently, I was introduced to the KeePass project on SourceForge.net. What a gem of a little project! KeePass allows you to store passwords and other account information in an easily accessible hierarchical format within an encrypted database on your hard drive. You only need to remember a single master password to get into the database.

Some people might balk at the idea of another layer of indirection between themselves and their online banking web site. I’d agree myself, if it weren’t for some of the really cool usability features in KeePass. For instance, KeePass can copy a password to the clipboard from an entry in its database, which means you need only click on the password entry field and press Ctrl-V to paste it in. If you care to take this to the next level, KeePass will also fill in login forms automatically with a configurable hot-key press on the login page of your sites.

KeePass also contains a small area in each password entry for notes and such. I have an AT&T cell phone account which allows me to connect to the Internet on my laptop through my phone over a high-speed connection. But configuring this connection initially was a real pain in the neck! Once I got it figured out, I wrote down the steps for configuration so I wouldn’t forget them. The next time I needed to reconfigure my laptop, I forgot where I’d written down these instructions. Now, I have them in the notes section for my AT&T wireless account in KeePass.

Another nice feature is that KeePass will automatically generate a high-security password for you, with a single click. When I create a new account on a web-site these days, I just pull up KeePass and create the account and the KeePass entry at the same time. When the site asks me for a password, I don’t waste time thinking about what I should use–I just tell KeePass to give me a good one, then cut and paste it in.

Finally, KeePass will stay resident on your Windows machine, adding a little icon to the system tray while it’s running. Click the icon and you have instant access to your password database. With highly configurable security policy tailored to your personal tastes, you can decide how often you want to type in your master password: Once at login, each time you click the system tray icon, only when you lock it, when you lock your computer screen, etc. You can also configure it to minimize to the tray, or to close to the tray.

Taking It With You

This is all well and good if you only work on one machine. I work on multiple machines. I have one at home where I spend time shopping, and I have one at work where I access my sourceforge.net accounts. I have a laptop that I take with me to sneak in some work or play while I’m waiting at the repair shop for my car to be fixed. Sometimes I use my wife’s laptop–just because it’s handy. Sometimes I use a kiosk computer at the airport or at the library. Sometimes I use a colleague’s computer in another office at work.

KeePass has a solution for this problem as well. If you wish, you can store the database on a removable media device, like a USB drive. You can pick up a 1G USB drive these days for 10 to 20 bucks. And this is 100 times as much memory as you need for a password store.

But the database does you little good if you can’t access it with the KeePass program when you need a password. The designers of KeePass understood this. You can store a portable version of the program itself on the USB drive. Portable, in this context, means programming in such a way that the software requires no explicit installation. It creates no registry entries, or special file system objects. This means you can access your password database from any Windows machine with a USB port. Just plug it in and run the program right from the USB drive.

What, Now Linux Too?!

What more could I ask for? Well…recently, I installed Linux on my desktop machine at work. Since moving to OpenSUSE 10.3, I’ve been very satisfied with what I’ve been able to accomplish using only free software. It’s been a whirlwind romance, and I’ve loved every minute of it, but it’s the first time I’ve been without a Windows machine handy to…you know, do the stuff I can only do on Windows. Sad to consider it that way, but it’s been true for me, so I’m guessing it’s true for most everyone else, as well.

Unfortunately, KeePass is a Windows program. “Well, I’m in love with the concept, not the program”, I told myself. So I went looking for a more portable alternative. One that was perhaps not as functional as KeePass, but at least ran on Windows and Linux. And I found it–KeePassX. This is a spin off of the original Windows open source program found on SourceForge.net.

KeePassX is written using QT and compiled under mingw on Windows, so its interfaces on both platforms are nearly identical. The people who did the port stayed true to the original KeePass look and feel as much as they could in this portable version. I’m very pleased, because now I can carry copies of KeePassX for Windows and Linux, as well as the database which, of course, both versions will open and process.

The only glitch I ran into with KeePassX was that it requires the mingwm10.dll, which fact is not advertised anywhere on the KeePassX web site that I could find, and the win32 package didn’t ship with this library. In fact, the only reference to it that I could find was an entry by a user in their forums indicating that they should probably mention the requirement somewhere. Personally, I think it’s an oversight, and that the Windows bundle should just install it.

To get the library, I just did a Google search for mingwm10 and found a myriad of places from which I could download it. I did that, placed the library in the same directory as the executable and all was well again.

Setting It All Up

To set all this up, I first formatted the USB key under Windows (because Linux has no problem reading FAT-formatted drives, and typically Windows only does Windows). Then I created a directory structure like this on the USB key:

   ...unpacked files from KeePassX Win32 bundle
   ...unpacked files from KeePassX Linux bundle
   ...bundles for both platforms, plus mingwm10 bundle, still packed

Now, I like to do things up right. On Windows XP, when you insert a USB key, it acts like a removable drive–a CDROM or a USB hard drive. On these types of media, you can place a file at the root of the volume called Autorun.inf, which describes for Windows some things you’d like to have happen when the volume is mounted. I added the following text to an Autorun.inf file on the root of my USB key:

action="Run KeePassX"

The “action” keyword allows Windows to display an option called “Run KeePassX” in the list of stuff to do when a drive is mounted that contains mixed media. Unfortunately, the graphic files (icons, bitmaps, etc) on a QT application are stored separately from the binary, so Windows interprets them as picture files. Since there are both pictures AND executables on the USB key, Windows doesn’t know what you really want to do, so it asks you every time you insert the USB key.

On Vista, you have a few more options. You can add more entries under a “[Contents]” section that tells Vista exactly what to do in the case of a conflict. To me, it’s a no-brainer to have done this in XP, but that’s not the way things came out, so we have to put up with the confusion. Most often, CDROM’s that contain executables designed to be run when the disk is inserted are installation CD’s for software you purchase. These have all sorts of media, but they often come packaged up in CAB or ZIP files, so Windows is not confused. There are only executables, so there’s no ambiguity. Windows just runs the setup.exe or install.exe program, as specified in the “open” tag.

When specifying an “action”, the “open” option tells Windows what to do if you select the “Run KeePassX” option in the pop up menu when the key is inserted. The “icon” option is really neat because it not only tells Windows what icon to display next to the action in the pop up, but also what icon to display in file explorer when the drive is mounted. The “shell” option is used to add a context menu option to the menu that comes up when you right-click on the drive in file explorer.

Look here at msdn.microsoft.com to learn more about Autoplay on Windows platforms.

Now, I’ve got the best of both worlds, and access to my password database from either place. Could I be any happier about the state of my personal Internet security? I don’t think so.

[Edit: I lost my password database the other day – it was corrupted when I pulled the USB key out of my Linux machine while the program was open. I think the corruption occurred because I popped it into a Windows machine, opened the database, and then put the key BACK into the Linux USB socket, and saved the database. In any case, I HIGHLY recommend you backup your password database once in a while. Luckily, I had a recent copy saved off somewhere, and I was able to get back about 95 percent of my data. Now, I keep a backup of the database on the same USB key in a “Backup” directory, which I overwrite quite often. I also keep a backup on another disk that I backup once a week or so, if I’ve made changes during the interim.

One person I know stores his database in a subversion repository, and updates it on any of his machines. That’s nice to get the latest version on any of your own machines, but it doesn’t help you when you want to access your store on a machine that’s not yours. Still, it’s a good idea to keep it in a repository like this.]

I’m Back At Novell Again

Well, my job with the LDS Church lasted almost exactly six months. The problem is I was on the road 3 hours a day. I had originally intended to sell my home and move closer to Salt Lake City, but the bottom dropped out of the housing market, and we just couldn’t sell. So I checked the job postings at novell.com and found that the Identity Manager team was looking for senior engineers. I applied, was made an offer, and accepted. So now, I’m back in Provo again.